Sunday, March 30, 2014

Danish American Museum

I had a chance to visit the Danish American Museum exhibition this weekend and see my painting of Dybbøl Mill on display. The exhibit called ‘Schleswig-Holstein: Turmoil on the Danish-German Border’ is incredible. The show features art, memorabilia, diaries, and photos from the 1848 and 1864 wars.

The Danish Museum has done an amazing job of putting this traveling exhibition together on the 150th anniversary of the 1864 battle. It was nice to have a chance to take my time at the exhibition and really absorb all the information that has been presented. If you are in Elkhorn, Iowa take the time out to visit this wonderful museum. I am honored that they asked me to be part of this exhibition.

I have attached a few photos from my visit to the museum.
Here is a link to the Danish America Museum…

Thanks for all your support.

Monday, March 10, 2014


Windmills hold so much symbolism, not only in their image but also in their function.
The windmill can be a symbol of the cycle of life that is repeated. Windmills form an important element in the Danish landscape with its wide horizons, its glittering waters and big clouds floating overhead; without them one can hardly imagine the Danish landscape, which is unique in the world.

I have been doing little studies of windmills recently. I have attached 6 recent paintings that I did with oil paints. These are small alla prima (wet-on-wet) studies. The first one was inspired by Rembrandts windmill painting. I was looking at his tonal arrangement that he achieved and I tried to mimic the edges becoming lost as well as some becoming more accentuated. The feel of fading light is just beautiful on the arms of the windmill as they reach to the heavens on a desolate horizon.

On my visit to the mill in Elkhorn, Iowa recently to the Danish American Museum for my exhibit, I found a sense of harmony and peacefulness inspired by the old world windmill and the imposing modern windmills along the interstate. Windmills in their characteristic beauty and in varying circumstances of place, season, and type are truly a sight to behold. They are silhouetted giants on a timeless landscape.
