Sunday, September 28, 2014


Here is a new drawing I was working on this week for a demo in my classes. It is a detailed study of the upper and lower teeth. I am introducing more life drawing for my advanced students. I feel it is very important for the students to draw from life and capture the details of the shape, line, and form through values and tones. Some of my students will become doctors or dentist and it is very important to understand the science behind the drawing.

Leonardo da Vinci, who is without doubt the most significant artist-anatomist of all time, first undertook a series of detailed studies of the human skull, mandible, and teeth in the1480’s, borrowing from the architect's rigorous technique of representing three-dimensional forms in plan, section, elevation, and different perspective views. Through the course of his sketches and renderings he invented a new vocabulary for the history of scientific illustration.

I will post more of my studies this week as well as some oil paintings I am working on of fruit. Yes this is my favorite time of year to visit the orchards in my area. I love to paint the colorful fruit that I find. So please check back later this week to see my paintings.

Thanks for visiting my blog, I will keep posting new works.


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Allentown Art Museum-Caniglia

IlluXCon 7 Opens this week at the Allentown Art Museum. I will have all new work at the exhibition including my new oil painting “The Pale Rider” which I have a picture of in this post. I will also have 25 limited edition hand pulled screen prints of my drawing “Vita brevis breviter in brevi finietur- Life is short and shortly it will end”. These are exclusive prints made just for the IlluXcon museum show and will be priced at $100. each.

If you would like to reserve one of the 25 prints please e-mail before Wednesday to reserve your print. You can e-mail me directly at

You can also purchase them directly at the museum at my table this weekend. If you are on the east coast don’t miss this amazing Museum show.

IX symposium is the world’s largest exhibition of imaginative realist art. Featuring over 150 artists and well over 1000 original pieces of artwork, the show is a visual feast for all fans of imaginative painting. Artists who will be exhibiting in this show have lent their talents to movies, games, books, galleries and collections across the world, ranging from Magic: the Gathering illustrations to solo exhibitions at prestigious museums.

Every artist represented in the show will be physically present during the symposium, making it a wonderful opportunity to meet and talk with these talented artists, representing countries as far-flung as the United Kingdom and Australia.

Imaginative realism, as the cutting edge of contemporary realist painting, combines classical painting technique with postmodern narrative subjects, focusing on the unreal, the unseen, and the impossible, offering visions of humanity’s mythic past, its unexplored future and, in some cases, its terrifying present.

Don’t miss this incredible show!
